3 Ways to Create an Effective eLearning Experience

It’s easy to retain information that feels familiar or thrilling. However, what if it’s a little on the dry side?…

Two Motivated Mind Group (MMG) design team employees brainstorming and researching ideas

It’s easy to retain information that feels familiar or thrilling. However, what if it’s a little on the dry side? Fear not, eLearning designers; there is hope for you and your audience! Here are a few methods to create an effective eLearning experience.

1. Set effective eLearning objectives

It’s important to set clear learning objectives at the beginning of the course so your audience knows exactly what they’re getting into. Explain to the learner what they will be learning and why they need to learn it. That way, they have an end goal and no confusion.

2. Explain the relevance to learners

Adults need a reason to invest in learning new information. It’s crucial to demonstrate how this knowledge will benefit their everyday experiences. What’s in it for them? What will happen if they don’t learn this information? Incorporating adult learning principles ensures that the content is relevant and immediately applicable, making it easier for learners to see the value and integrate new skills into their daily routines.

By highlighting practical benefits and showcasing long-term advantages, you can inspire your audience to learn and take immediate steps toward applying this knowledge through effective eLearning.

3. Keep it interesting

Think about an encyclopedia. It contains all the information you could possibly need, so why wouldn’t you retain it if you read it front to back? First, because that would take a ridiculous amount of time, but second, because it’s all in the same format. Certainly, columns of words for thousands of pages are not engaging and will surely put you to sleep.

It’s the same for eLearning. When you change up the format of how you’re relaying information to learners, it keeps their brains engaged.

So, what types of formats should you use?

1. Gamification

Say you want your learner to understand the difference between different types of cement. This is not exactly the most gripping subject matter. So, how do you get your learners to retain, let alone care about, this information? Turn it into a game. 

Humans like games. Many of us are competitive and find challenges exhilarating. Engaging learners in challenges using gamification offers them a clear task. By stimulating your learners to solve a problem, providing feedback, and even offering a reward, they are more interested and likely to retain the information.

2. Interactions

Meaningful interactions make it possible for individuals to be active learners. Interactions give learners a break from reading and encourage them to do something with the material. This could mean directing the learner to click on tabs to reveal information rather than having it all on-screen at once. This way of learning keeps the audience involved and enables them to participate in the learning process.

Think of it this way: You can only learn so much by reading. If you want to understand it, you must do it. This is precisely why interactive learning is a practical aspect of effective eLearning.

3. Visual

Compelling visuals are imperative to an effective eLearning experience. Simply put, when something looks interesting, people are more likely to want to pay attention to it. When a course doesn’t have a pleasing aesthetic, it deters learners from taking it. You might have incredible information, but if it looks unappealing, they are less likely to take it seriously, resulting in a low retention rate.

Creating an outstanding visual experience involves several factors:

  • Color evokes specific emotions and can make content more engaging and interesting.
  • Contrast emphasizes important information and improves readability.
  • Repetition creates a cohesive design and logically guides the learner’s eye through the content.
  • Alignment creates order and keeps the design clean and professional.
4. Video

Break up the text in your course by giving your audience a new way to learn–the magic of film. Remember when you were a kid in school, and the teacher put on a video? You were so excited about this. Adding video to eLearning is an effective way to distribute content and give your audience a new way to engage with the information.

Implementing these strategies can transform your material into an engaging and effective eLearning experience. Remember, successful eLearning makes content accessible while also ensuring learners absorb the information and find value in it. Ready to start implementing these steps and watching your learners grow? Contact us to see how we can help!

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