The origin story of The Motivated Mind Group, Arizona’s full-service creative agency.
The year was 1999. Y2K panic was upon us. Smash Mouth’s “All-Star” topped the music charts, and The Matrix was the number-one movie in the world. Something else happened in 1999: In the heart of Singapore, a visionary named Kevin McGrath formed a groundbreaking company called Intuition.
Kevin and Intuition (Internet+Tuition) revolutionized how adults learn in the infancy of the Internet. They figured out how to deliver training online when no one else could. With giants like Hewlett-Packard and Microsoft by their side, they became the talk of the town. They were the undisputed champions of the sales enablement and training game, and Singapore was their playground.
Eventually, Intuition morphed into Quadmark, a full-fledged global creative agency with divisions worldwide, catering to big tech’s media needs.
However, just like Neo, Kevin also wanted out of the Matrix…
Enter Deni and Bill Gusmano. When Kevin retired, this dynamic duo seized the opportunity of a lifetime and took the reins, seeing potential where others only saw endings.
…And out of the ashes like a phoenix, the Motivated Mind Group was born. Under their leadership, MMG ran with the torch. With clients like Amazon, Amazon Web Services, HP, and Brocade, Deni and Bill forged a path forward into a new era, transforming MMG into a full-service creative agency.
Today, MMG continues its long history of superior training and enablement and offers production services to create anything from social media content to music videos, podcasts, and even feature films.
In other words, right back into the Matrix!
Want to know more about what happens behind the scenes at our creative agency?
As Founder & COO of the Motivated Mind Group, Deni’s role is multifaceted. With years of customer service experience and management, she is responsible for the overall administration of MMG and oversees the accounting and operations department to ensure financial health and operational efficiency.
But that’s not all! Deni upholds the company’s culture, values, and ethical compass while proactively addressing challenges to ensure the business functions seamlessly.
If you need to know something about MMG as a customer or an employee, “Go ask Deni.”
Bill’s role as Co-founder & CEO has long kept him quite the busy man. He hosts sales enablement and training workshops, guides Fortune 500 companies to continued success, and manages clients and projects all at once. When you ask Bill questions about budget, though, he’ll always answer the same thing: Ask Jeff.
The third member of the grand MMG trifecta is Jeff Gibbs, MMG’s CRO. Jeff is the money man, handling all budget matters while managing clients and projects. Throughout his 25 years of sales experience, he’s worn many hats and aced them all, from go-to-market strategies to sales behavior.
These three carried MMG to its status as a full-service creative agency. Their leadership guides the business and its employees as we collaborate with businesses and brands of all shapes and sizes to create amazing results. Contact us to learn how we can start transforming your business!
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